The 2018 show will take place on March 21-23 in Orlando, Florida. The Global Pet Expo Academy is an integral part of this event, featuring over 30 hours of seminars, workshops and other educational content, led by industry experts and aimed at pet store owners and their employees. The Academy is managed by the Pet Industry Distributors Association (PIDA), co-sponsor of Global Pet Expo. Inquiries should be sent to Marci Hickey, PIDA Director of Meetings & Member Services, at [email protected]. Seminar Format We endeavor to present a wide range of subjects that are relevant to successful management of a retail pet store. Past topics have included customer service and sales, merchandising, social media marketing, financial management, employee relations and animal care. The deadline to submit a proposal is July 31, 2017. Standard seminars are 75 minutes in length. Speakers are expected to provide a PowerPoint presentation that illustrates their talk and must make the presentation available to attendees in either electronic form or as a printed handout. Most speakers are requested to present two different seminars on the same show day or on consecutive days. All speakers may also be asked to present one, 15-minute “Mini Session” on a topic distinct from their seminar topics. The Mini Sessions do not require either slides or a handout. Speakers are asked to provide a 400-500 word article related to their selected topic(s) that will be published in the Global Pet Expo Show Daily. The article must be received by January 15, 2018 in order to meet the publication deadline. Speaker Request Form(you will be asked to create an online profile and login to submit your proposal) |